Unitarian Universalist
Church of the Hill Country

Sunday Service @10am         960 Barnett St., Kerrville Texas

Sermons & Meditations

Spiritual Home

Do you consider UUCHC your spiritual home? How can people with diverse theological beliefs share one sanctuary as a common spiritual home? A few weeks back Ann Galland led us in a wonderful worship service that helped us reflect on what home means.  It was...

The Power of Memory (All Souls Service)

A man with tickets to the AFL Grand Final finds his seat and relaxes. As he sits down, a man comes down and asks if anyone is sitting in the seat next to him. “No”, he says. “The seat is empty.” “That’s incredible”, said the stranger. “Who in their right mind would...

Shared Ministry

Many members and friends have expressed appreciation and gratitude for this congregation, what we do and what we are all about. Some have confided having a hard time calling us a church or using words like ministry. Today I am going to take us deeper into these words...

Three Medicines: Love, Community, and Nature

November 6th, 2017 my bicycle and I were struck by a ½ ton Dodge Ram. The extent of the damage was great.  Almost six years later, I stand before the congregation I serve as minister. Three years ago, Linda Smith reached out and asked me to be guest Minister via Zoom....

When Making Amends Works Like Magic

Whoa that hymn was so beautiful, and its message so powerful.  Thoughts and prayers are a great start. Usually though, action is required.Our theme today is making amends. Meredith questioned the positioning of that beautiful hymn immediately before my sermon which I...

What’s Going On? US Racism and Us

Regarding the sermon title, What’s Going On? US Racism and Us,” the "Us" refers to Unitarian Universalists and our living tradition. "What's Going On?" refers to Marvin Gaye's 1971 hit song we heard in the beginning of the service. It was written about a...

Virtue is its own reward

On the first day of school, the kindergarten teacher said, “if anyone has to go to the bathroom, hold up two fingers. A little voice from the back of the room was heard saying “How will that help?” A mother and her young son returned from the supermarket and were...

Positively Crazy: Way of Life, Healing, and Justice

The renovation of our church annex has entered its demolition phase. When I arrive each day, I find Jerry Best, director of the project, sitting calmly amidst the chaos. On Wednesday, he gave me the same warm greeting as always. “Reverend Phillip!" He told me he was...

UU is a Verb

"UU is a Verb. So how do we UU? The Catholic in me tells me to begin with confession. "UU is actually not a verb." It's a religious tradition, a noun. Suggesting it as a verb was way to ask what is the central doing of UU? What a task and task this topic gave me. How...


Stirring, stirring, stirring from your stillness.  Rumbling, quivering, vibration forming new life.   Waxing season of sun.  Our senses recognize you. Though we live in postmodern productivity,  And pretend that one season is the same as...

UU Chalice
