
  I have an irrational fear of over-designed buildings. It’s a complex complex complex. The swordfish has no natural predators to fear…….except the penfish, which is said to be even mightier. What is the fear of giants called? Fee-fi-phobia. I...

9/11 Reflection

The attacks didn’t really come out of nowhere. Soviet invasion ofAfghanistan, US armament of the rebels that became Al-Qaida, westerncarved borders foisted upon Arab populations, US – Israelrelations all played a part of why groups of religious...

Is Enlightenment Desireable?

Hank sees and greets his friend Walter. “How are you doing, Walt?”Walter: “Very well, thank you? How are you?”Hank: “No complaint.”Walter: “Hey Hank, is your son still living at home?”Hank: “Yeah he is.”Walter: “Well has he had any luck looking for a job?”Hank: “No...

Prayer; Yours, Mine & Ours

Spirit of Life was written by Carolyn McDade as a prayer. No one prayer is going be meaningful to all of us. But for countless UU’s, this song has been a bridge to the communication and artform of prayer. “Nam Myho Renge Kyo.” is a prayer that I learned in 1986...