Positively Crazy: Way of Life, Healing, and Justice

The renovation of our church annex has entered its demolition phase. When I arrive each day, I find Jerry Best, director of the project, sitting calmly amidst the chaos. On Wednesday, he gave me the same warm greeting as always. “Reverend Phillip!” He told me he was...

UU is a Verb

“UU is a Verb. So how do we UU? The Catholic in me tells me to begin with confession. “UU is actually not a verb.” It’s a religious tradition, a noun. Suggesting it as a verb was way to ask what is the central doing of UU? What a task and task this topic gave me. How...


Stirring, stirring, stirring from your stillness.  Rumbling, quivering, vibration forming new life.   Waxing season of sun.  Our senses recognize you. Though we live in postmodern productivity,  And pretend that one season is the same as another. You paint new colors...

Resurrecting Jesus

In February, this white guy told you about Black Resilience. In March, celebrating Women’s history, I talked about sexism and listening to women.  Now at Easter, here I am. a Jewish UU guy, back to preach my Easter sermon “Resurrecting Jesus!” Bring back Jesus? Oy!...

Abrams, Democracy & Voter Suppression

–Our country, now from thee,Claim we our liberty,In freedoms nameGuarding homes altar fires,Daughters of patriot sires,Their zeal our own inspires,Justice to claim. Today we sang some Suffrage songs. A couple of weeks ago Vicki Luther presented Margaret Fuller and...

Suffragist Inspiration

I often begin my sermons with a joke. Sarah frequently sends me jokes. Sarah is on the Worship Committee and we recently discussed the reasons that services sometimes run past 11:00. This week Sarah emailed me one that said: “Words of wisdom: There’s a fineline...