
  I have an irrational fear of over-designed buildings. It’s a complex complex complex. The swordfish has no natural predators to fear…….except the penfish, which is said to be even mightier. What is the fear of giants called? Fee-fi-phobia. I...

9/11 Reflection

The attacks didn’t really come out of nowhere. Soviet invasion ofAfghanistan, US armament of the rebels that became Al-Qaida, westerncarved borders foisted upon Arab populations, US – Israelrelations all played a part of why groups of religious...

Readings for ”Is Enlightenment Desirable?”

1. “At the moment of his awakening at the foot of the bodhi tree, theBuddha declared, “How strange—all beings possess the capacity to beawakened, to understand, to love, to be free—yet they allow themselvesto be carried away on the ocean of suffering.” He saw that day...

Is Enlightenment Desireable?

Hank sees and greets his friend Walter. “How are you doing, Walt?”Walter: “Very well, thank you? How are you?”Hank: “No complaint.”Walter: “Hey Hank, is your son still living at home?”Hank: “Yeah he is.”Walter: “Well has he had any luck looking for a job?”Hank: “No...